Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Author Jacqueline R. Kassun believes that "premarital sexual activity, teen pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases have risen with the increase in explicit sex-education programs in the schools." She states that"little evidence exists that sex education reduces teen sex and illegitimacy as its supporters claim." She concludes that people are taught "sex education, and pregnancy-this and pregnancy-that. But they don't teach us any rules."

Jacqueline R. Kassun is right that sex education tells us what to avoid, and the dangers and diseases that it causes, but she is also wrong because sex education does teach us rules. The ULTIMATE NO-BRAINER rule is DON'T START IN THE FIRST PLACE! Don't risk it, you never know what will happen no matter how you try to prevent it. You don't know how vulnerable your body is even if it appears to be healthy.

Some may still be in the mind set that "it will never happen to me," you can keep saying that until it does, and then what are you going to do? You will regret that you did not listen and wish that you could change the past. YOU CAN'T. Now you are stuck with your decision for the rest of your life. CAN YOU LIVE WITH THAT?


  1. I disagree with the above thoughts on teenage pregnancy. I see it as if you are dumb enough to do it and not protect yourself then you should have to suffer the consequences. It has to cross your mind that anything is possible so you can't lie to yourself in saying that it will never happen to you. There is nothing out there protection wise that has proven to be 100 percent effective.
    Yes i agree that teenagers should not start in the first place but if they are going to there is no real way to stop them. Instead of preaching the abstinence rule we should be more precise in teaching them the safety measures in a logical sense.

  2. I agree to disagree. I think that you can live with the consequences of that outcome. Yes, it would have been great to know ahead of time but not everything in life is handed to you. You will have to learn from your mistakes and pass it on to your kids and hope that they will not follow in those exact footsteps. There are a lot of things you can do to help prevent it and the line of communications is the key. Parents have to be open to tell their kids right from wrong. It may not be really a wrong thing but being a young age it might. The saying "it will never happen to me" yes is what most kids say but if they know how to prevent it not just with abstinence then parents and schools should stress it. Every young teen goes through puberty and has to understand why their body is changing so as parents and teachers we should help them understand. So, for me you can live with the decision and just have to work extra harder to get the things you want in life a bit harder than if you did not have kids.

  3. I agree that sex education does teach about the risk and consequnces of having sex but i disagree because teens are so vulnerable and will alot of time do the opposite of what they hear. And trying to prevent early sex would be a TASKS almost like world peice. so i think teachers should teach more of pregnacy prevention other than absentism.

  4. I definitely agree that you shouldn't have sex as a teen because it is very risky but, i disagree that one would have regrets. Some people make mistakes but i do believe everything happens for a reason and sometimes whats a bad situation may turn out for the good. Some teens just dont learn until that mistake happens but when it does it actually helps them because reality finally hits them and they mature up. I dont believe they live with regerets i see it as an eye opener for one and they have to accept the fact and strive to take care of their responsibilities.

  5. I totally agree that teenegers should not have sex in such an early stage. But on the other hand, many times that is the only way many people learn. If at the moment, they decided to make that decisio is because they were "sure" of what they were doing. Therefore, they should regret their own acts. And if they did do it, then, consequences always come, and sooner or later they would have to accept whats coming for them. In my opinion, thats a very delicate topic, and each person is different. Also, every person learns different ways, some the easy way, and many the hard way.
